Database Entries Value: $1,227,782

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Lladro 1077

LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:

The average price is: $200.00 for 3 entries in the database

The highest sales price was $380
The lowest sales price was $45

Picture Identification:


The barefoot dutch woman is shown sitting down resting her feet. Off to her left is a basket. She is wearing a full length dress with a brown skirt, white apron, and blue and white top. Her dutch cap or bonnet is all white.

The colors seen in this piece were common to early Lladro figurines. So is the thin, long shape of the woman.

Product Details:






Salvador Furio

Year Designed:


Year Retired:


Limited edition:



9 3/4 inches


-- inches

Lladro retail price (if not retired):




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Database of Prior DUTCH GIRL Sales:

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Description (if provided by seller)
$175 Lladro # 01001077 EXTREMELY RARE VERSION OF RETIRED PIECE!!! DUTCH GIRL Issue Year: 1970 Retirement Year: 1986 Sculptor: Salvador FuriĆ³

In 1953, Juan, Jose and Vicente Lladro started experimenting with porcelain, creating charming pieces in a small Moorish kiln in their home in Valencia, Spain. In 1958, the brothers decided to dedicate themselves solely to their porcelain work and opened up a warehouse in a neighboring town. It was here that they developed a special firing technique that created the signature pastel tones of Lladro pieces. Over the next few decades, the Lladro brand developed a strong following and was introduced all across the globe. The artistic vision of the Lladro brothers is still carried on every new Lladro sculpture and figurine captures the same charm and grace of the early works.


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Lladro is a trademark belonging to Lladro, S.A.
La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
C.I.F. - A46.147.112