LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:
The average price is: $259.00 for 1 entries in the databaseThe highest sales price was $259 The lowest sales price was $259 |
Title: |
Number: |
1449 |
Designer: |
Year Designed: |
Year Retired: |
Limited edition: |
No |
Height: |
9 3/4 inches |
Width: |
4 inches |
Lladro retail price (if not retired): |
Categories: |
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Price |
Description (if provided by seller) |
$259 |
Lladro Porcelain Figurine
Alternate Number:
9 3/4"
Salvador Debon
Gloss Glaze
Retail Price:
Item Number: 01001449
This auction is for a beautiful porcelain Lladro figurine called Mayumi girl. It was issued in 1983. It depicts a Japanese girl tending to her potted flowering plant. The detail on this piece is extraordinary. The dogwood pattern on her kimono, although subtle, is gorgeous. The little flowers on the piece are masterfully done. All Lladro is hand painted (other than white bisque). This figurine is finished in the lovely Lladro clear, high gloss glaze. As this piece is retired, it is now available only on the secondary market. (Please note: Secondary market does not mean an item is a "second" - it means the item is being sold by an owner not the manufacturer.) Lladro is usually bought for its beauty but it is also a great investment. This is especially true of retired pieces - they increase in value each year. |
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Lladro is a trademark belonging to Lladro, S.A.
La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
C.I.F. - A46.147.112