Database Entries Value: $1,227,782

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Lladro 3541

LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:

The average price is: $1995.00 for 1 entries in the database

The highest sales price was $1995
The lowest sales price was $1995

Picture Identification:


One of the rarest Lladro pieces with only 75 made. Tranquility features a young woman siting in a relaxed pose. It is finished in a deep coffee brown color and is exceptional in its quality, look and detail. This is a very heavy and large piece. It is marked on the bottom and is artist signed.

Product Details:






Francisco Catala

Year Designed:


Year Retired:


Limited edition:



19 3/4 inches


-- inches

Lladro retail price (if not retired):


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Description (if provided by seller)
$1995 Lladro limited edition LARGE nude figurine - Tranquility 3541

This is a beautiful and very hard to find limited edition sculptural porcelain figurine of a young nude woman by Lladro. Issued in 1983 this is number 12 of a limited edition of only 75 and is a retired piece. It is titled Tranquility and is reference number 3541. It features a young woman siting in a relaxed pose. It is finished in a deep coffee brown color and is exceptional in its quality, look and detail. This is a very heavy and large piece. It is marked on the bottom and is artist signed - Catala Banes and dated 1979.


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La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
C.I.F. - A46.147.112