LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:
The average price is: $100.00 for 4 entries in the databaseThe highest sales price was $199 The lowest sales price was $10 |
This figurine depicts a young woman wearing a long, light blue dress with darker blue trim. She has a matching bonnet and is holding an umbrella in her right hand. She has a peaceful countenance.
Aranjuez is city in Southern Span. An interesting trivia fact about the town is that for almost two hundred years only royalty were allowed to live it. That practice did not end until 1752.
The umbrella she is holding unscrews. It is a "dresden lace" style parasol common during Victorian times.
Title: |
Number: |
4879 |
Designer: |
Year Designed: |
Year Retired: |
Limited edition: |
No |
Height: |
12 1/4 inches |
Width: |
-- inches |
Lladro retail price (if not retired): |
Categories: |
Have a Lladro Product Review, Information to Add to the Product Description, or Found a Typo/Mistake? Let us know!
Price |
Description (if provided by seller) |
$199 |
enchanting figurine called "Little Lady" (#4879, 1974-1991) by Lladro, Spain.
This matte finish figurine features a beautiful young woman with a peaceful countenance wearing a long blue gown with matching bonnet.
She is holding a delicate "dresden lace" style umbrella. ( umbrella unscrews) The figurine is in excellent condition with no scratches or chips Sorry no box with this one |
$10 | |
$75 | |
$116 |
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Lladro is a trademark belonging to Lladro, S.A.
La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
C.I.F. - A46.147.112