LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:
The average price is: $140.25 for 4 entries in the databaseThe highest sales price was $179 The lowest sales price was $90 |
Title: |
Number: |
5122 |
Designer: |
Year Designed: |
Year Retired: |
Limited edition: |
No |
Height: |
8 3/4 inches |
Width: |
-- inches |
Lladro retail price (if not retired): |
Categories: |
Have a Lladro Product Review, Information to Add to the Product Description, or Found a Typo/Mistake? Let us know!
Price |
Description (if provided by seller) |
$135 |
Lladro #5122 AUGUST MOON Japanese Geisha Tea Ceremony Mint Condition
Lladro #5122 August Moon Gloss finish Issued: 1982 Retired: 1993 Sculptor: Vincente Martinez Size: 8 1/2" Tall 7" long Excellent condition, looks new with just a few minor rub marks on the bottom from displaying Full Lladro Logo Retail Value: $470 Do not have original box |
$90 | |
$179 |
Lladro 5122 AUGUST MOON ***MINT***
Issued 1982 Retired 1993 Height 8-3/4" Width ~7"x4" Secondary market value $440.00 Sorry, no box. This figurine is in Mint condition with no chips, cracks or crazing. Lovely glazed finish. Full Lladro bluebell logo. |
$157 |
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Lladro is a trademark belonging to Lladro, S.A.
La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
C.I.F. - A46.147.112