LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:
The average price is: $200.00 for 1 entries in the databaseThe highest sales price was $200 The lowest sales price was $200 |
A mother and child are sitting on a bench reading a book. She is dressed in a light blue, halter top sun dress and capri pants. Multi-colored flowers adorn her bobbed haircut.
The book is resting in her left arm and lap while her right arm is resting behind her child who is holding a soccer ball.
The cock of her head, and facial expressions of both figures are some of Lladro's best, creating an emotional response every parent can relate to as they take time to pass knowledge to their little one. Once Upon a Time has a double-entendre, referring not only to a story in a book, but a time when a child was still young enough to be read to.
Title: |
Number: |
5721 |
Designer: |
Year Designed: |
Year Retired: |
Limited edition: |
No |
Height: |
10 1/4 inches |
Width: |
6 3/4 inches |
Lladro retail price (if not retired): |
Categories: |
Have a Lladro Product Review, Information to Add to the Product Description, or Found a Typo/Mistake? Let us know!
Price |
Description (if provided by seller) |
$200 |
The piece up for auction is called Once Upon A Time.
It is a figurine of a mother and child sitting on a bench reading a book. The piece measures about 10 1/4" high. Original Box is included. |
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Lladro is a trademark belonging to Lladro, S.A.
La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
C.I.F. - A46.147.112