Database Entries Value: $1,227,782

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Lladro 6479

LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:

The average price is: $149.00 for 10 entries in the database

The highest sales price was $250
The lowest sales price was $81

Picture Identification:


Product Details:






Antonio Ramos

Year Designed:


Year Retired:


Limited edition:



7 inches


6 inches

Lladro retail price (if not retired):



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Database of Prior HEAVENLY SLUMBER Sales:

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Description (if provided by seller)
$250 NEW LLADRO HEAVENLY SLUMBER Heavenly Slumber is absolutley beautiful! It captues the innocents of a baby boy at sleep on the moon. The detail on Heavenly Slumber are amazing. Heavenly Slumber is approx. 7 x 6" in size. A must have for any Lladro lover. Don't miss this opportunity to purchase this Lladro at a great price! Heavenly Slumber is BRAND NEW IN ITS ORIGINAL BOX. ITEM #6479 RETAILS FOR $300
$150 This listing is for a Lladro Daisa figurine manufactured and handpainted in Spain. The title of this figurine is "Heavenly Slumber" and its catalog number is 06479. This is a glazed figurine and I believe that the piece dates to 1997 as per the copyright date in the Lladro stamp on the bottom. This figurine came from a local estate auction that had numerous fine china collectibles.

The colors and glaze are strong and there is only one spot of damage on the figurine that I can see. The extreme tip of the top star featured in the third and fourth picture is broken off. The piece still displays very well, though. Even with this minor flaw, I would still personally classify this piece as being in "Excellent". This figurine will come with its original box and paperwork.

The figurine stands about 7 inches tall. This is a beautiful example of a Lladro collectible figurine.


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Lladro is a trademark belonging to Lladro, S.A.
La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
C.I.F. - A46.147.112