"9999") { header('Location: https://lladrodb.com'); exit; }; $search = "lladro " . $bkid . " -nao"; require('/home4/rstatdd/lladrodb.com/adminbk/includes/init.php'); $pageurl="https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $sales = fetch_sale_by_number($bkid); $product2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select name from products where number='$bkid'"); $product3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($product2); $product = $product3['name']; #$product=addslashes($product); $yearmade2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select year_made from products where number='$bkid'"); $yearmade3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($yearmade2); $yearmade = $yearmade3['year_made']; $yearretired2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select year_retired from products where number='$bkid'"); $yearretired3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($yearretired2); $yearretired = $yearretired3['year_retired']; if ($yearretired =="0") { $yearretiredx = $yearretired; $yearretired = "--"; }; $sculptor2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select sculptor from products where number='$bkid'"); $sculptor3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sculptor2); $sculptor = $sculptor3['sculptor']; $height2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select height from products where number='$bkid'"); $height3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($height2); $height = $height3['height']; $width2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select width from products where number='$bkid'"); $width3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($width2); $width = $width3['width']; if ($width =="") { $width = "--"; }; $msrp2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select msrp from products where number='$bkid'"); $msrp3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($msrp2); $msrp = $msrp3['msrp']; $dollar = "$"; if ($msrp =="0") { $msrp = ""; $dollar = ""; }; $rarity2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select rarity from products where number='$bkid'"); $rarity3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rarity2); $rarity = $rarity3['rarity']; if ($rarity =="0") { $rarityx = $rarity; $rarity = "No"; }; $cat2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select category1 from products where number='$bkid'"); $cat3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cat2); $cat = $cat3['category1']; if ($cat =="0") { $catx = $cat; $cat = ""; }; $catb2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select category2 from products where number='$bkid'"); $catb3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($catb2); $catb = $catb3['category2']; if ($catb =="0") { $catbx = $catb; $catb = ""; }; $samea2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select related1 from products where number='$bkid'"); $samea3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($samea2); $samea = $samea3['related1']; if ($samea =="0") { $sameax = $samea; $samea = ""; }; $sameb2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select related2 from products where number='$bkid'"); $sameb3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sameb2); $sameb = $sameb3['related2']; if ($sameb =="0") { $samebx = $sameb; $sameb = ""; }; $samec2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select related3 from products where number='$bkid'"); $samec3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($samec2); $samec = $samec3['related3']; if ($samec =="0") { $samecx = $samec; $samec = ""; }; $text2 = mysqli_query($mysqli_link,"select description from products where number='$bkid'"); $text3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($text2); $text = $text3['description']; ?>
LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:
The average price is: $ for entries in the databaseThe highest sales price was $ The lowest sales price was $ |
Title: |
Number: |
Designer: |
" . $sculptor . "";?> |
Year Designed: |
" . $yearmade . "";?> |
Year Retired: |
" . $yearretired . ""; }; ?> |
Limited edition: |
" . $rarity . ""; }; ?> |
Height: |
inches |
Width: |
inches |
Lladro retail price (if not retired): |
Categories: |
Have a Lladro Product Review, Information to Add to the Product Description, or Found a Typo/Mistake? Let us know!
Price |
Description (if provided by seller) |
$ | '2020-06-01') { # if ($sale['date'] > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)) { $placeholder = ""; } else { if ($honeypot == "false" && $random < 8) { $placeholder = ""; echo $placeholder; } else { echo $sale['description']; }; }; ?> |