Database Entries Value: $1,227,782

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Lladro 7602

LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:

The average price is: $105.58 for 19 entries in the database

The highest sales price was $140
The lowest sales price was $73

Picture Identification:


This clown is dressed as a traveling hobo. He has oversized shoes, brown pants, and a long blue and white striped shirt. The color matches his blue jacket.

The clown has yellow curled hair, a white painted face with red lips and nose, with black painted eyebrows. A small hat on top of his head completes the scene.

Behind, he is carrying a white sack. It probably has all his clothes and possessions inside.

Product Details:






Juan Huerta

Year Designed:


Year Retired:


Limited edition:



9 inches


4 inches

Lladro retail price (if not retired):



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Database of Prior LITTLE TRAVELLER Sales:

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Description (if provided by seller)
$74 A super piece with a built-in value - this is the 1986 (the 2nd yr of the club) Lladro Collectors Society Annual Figurine; produced one year only in numbers equal to the club membership (one per member - if the member chose to buy it) and thereafter no longer available for order by anyone!

Marked with special bottom stamp to show its status as a "special" piece!

This beautiful Lladro that is no longer available - off the retail market for 29 years! (manufactured 1986). #7602 "Little Traveler" is 9" high x 4" wide - in the popular glazed finish (gloss) [only] sells for $795 on the Secondary Market (retail was $95).

This has already shown that it is a good investment piece.
$118 1986 LLADRO CLOWN with BAG "Little Traveler" #7602. In MINT CONDITION No chip, no cracks no repairs. No box.
$100 Original LLADRO Collector's Society 7602 Clown 1986 Mint
$110 Here is an adorable and fine LLADRO figurine created in 1986! This sweet Figurine is entitled "Little Traveler" and is #7602!! MINT Condition with no damage at all!! No Box.



Little Traveler

9" Tall

Note: Mint Condition with Box
$109 Lladro LITTLE TRAVELER. #7602. Limited Edition Collector's Society. Absolute Mint Condition! (8 1/2"). No Box.

Absolutely No Chips Or Cracks! Very Clean And Well Maintained. Personal Collection.
$96 This listing is for a Lladro Little Traveler figurine which is numbered 7602. The figurine is a 1986 Collector's Society piece. The figurine stands around 8 and 1/2 inches tall and is in great condition with no cracks, chips, or signs of wear. The figurine does come with the box, but the box does have some wear, tape marks, etc
$128 1986 LLADRO CLOWN with BAG "Little Traveler" #7602. In MINT CONDITION No chip, no cracks no repairs. No box.


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