LLADROdb Exclusive Valuation:
The average price is: $44.00 for 1 entries in the databaseThe highest sales price was $44 The lowest sales price was $44 |
From time immemorial, people have sought favours from the goddesss of Fortune, a capricious and sometime elusive woman to woo. Many were the methods used to invoke her grace, such us touching wood or paying homage to certain animals considered by cultures around the world to bring good luck. The fertile frog, the long-living tortoise, the wise owl, the elephant that never forgets, or perhaps the animals from the LladrĂ³ Knocks on Wood collection will help to ensure that the good goddess finally similes upon us!
Title: |
Number: |
8037 |
Designer: |
Year Designed: |
Year Retired: |
Limited edition: |
No |
Height: |
2 3/4 inches |
Width: |
3 1/4 inches |
Lladro retail price (if not retired): |
Categories: |
Have a Lladro Product Review, Information to Add to the Product Description, or Found a Typo/Mistake? Let us know!
Price |
Description (if provided by seller) |
$44 |
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La Ciudad de la Porcelana
Carretera de Alboraya s/n
46016 Tavernes Blanques
Valencia. Spain.
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